I'm a freelancer who specializes in 3D Animation. I graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2019, and have been working in commercial studios and freelancing since. I have a good knowledge of the 3D pipeline, including rigging and lighting/rendering. However, my focus is in 3D animation. --- **Employment and project experience** _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_/in/elizabethwhitfield

Elizabeth Whitfield

I'm a freelancer who specializes in 3D Animation. I graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2019, and have been working in commercial studios and freelancing since. I have a good knowledge of the 3D pipeline, including rigging and lighting/rendering. However, my focus is in 3D animation. --- **Employment and project experience** _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_/in/elizabethwhitfield

Available to hire
credit-card $350 per day ($43.75 per hour)

I’m a freelancer who specializes in 3D Animation.

I graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2019, and have been working in commercial studios and freelancing since. I have a good knowledge of the 3D pipeline, including rigging and lighting/rendering. However, my focus is in 3D animation.

Employment and project experience
Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup/in/elizabethwhitfield

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Experience Level

3D Animation
Autodesk Maya
Unreal Engine 4



Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment
    uniE608 Demo Reel 2021
    animator video
    uniE613 Gunko Storyboard
    These are the storyboards for an upcoming short by Elizacholas. storyboard shortfilm
    uniE613 Battle Storyboard Sample
    I made this storyboard as a sample, but it was a lot of fun to do! storyboard
    uniE613 Sample of Traditional Artworks
    This is a sample of some traditional work I have done. Paintings are oil on canvas board and the prints are Woodblock prints on rice paper. traditional artwork