Give me that job I promise I won't disappoint you

Ambrose ONAPA

Give me that job I promise I won't disappoint you

Available to hire
credit-card $250 per day ($31.25 per hour)

Give me that job I promise I won’t disappoint you

Experience Level

Web Design
Adobe Photoshop




Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering at Makerere University
June 23, 2023


IC3 Certification
April 14, 2027
Web Development
April 13, 2028
April 18, 2025

Industry Experience

    uniE613 Automatic Smart Railway Gate Systems
    Safety at level crossings has been a concern for Ugandan citizens and the government of Uganda as many accidents have occurred, claiming many lives and causing delays for cargo and the train itself. Currently, the safety precautions at Uganda railway level crossings are signposts, manual barriers (gates), hooting and flashlights. Still, these methods have significant limitations, which make them unsuitable for that purpose. For example, cross-railway signposts are affected by weather which causes them to be worn out and invisible to road users. Moreover, car users tend to pack near the Railway, which blocks the signpost from other users, resulting in accidents. Hooting is effective upcountry where there is little interference, unlike in town where a lot of noise from running engines, loudspeakers and other activities is generated, sometimes causing the road users not to hear the siren and react accordingly. Flashlights primarily work at night and are ineffective in areas with a lot of lighting. The manual barriers would be more effective than all the above measures. Still, also, this faces the problem that a worker must be there 24hr operating the barrier, which is costly and physically demanding. Road users also sometimes try to rush in before the barriers are lowered, resulting in a collision with the train. This overall system leads to unnecessary delays and wastage of life and commodities. An automatic smart railway gate system with dashboard and an entry warning system will be more effective and designed to keep any road user from the level crossings when the train is passing. This system will enhance the previously developed system with more features like a message system to alert the user of the incoming training directly on their phone and also to the concerned authorities to inform them about the person trying to breach the closed gate and take appropriate actions.