I'm a filmmaker and videographer from... I'm Benneth, a passionate and creative individual, who's so interested in giving life to your imaginations. I've been opportune to work in various sectors , I am currently the head of the media team of THE WORSHIPPERS FAMILY CHURCH GLOBAL (TWFC). This alone takes a lot of strategic planning, creativity and execution. --- **Employment and project experience** **Videographer/Video Editor** TWFC GLOBAL _June 2023 - till date


I'm a filmmaker and videographer from... I'm Benneth, a passionate and creative individual, who's so interested in giving life to your imaginations. I've been opportune to work in various sectors , I am currently the head of the media team of THE WORSHIPPERS FAMILY CHURCH GLOBAL (TWFC). This alone takes a lot of strategic planning, creativity and execution. --- **Employment and project experience** **Videographer/Video Editor** TWFC GLOBAL _June 2023 - till date

Available to hire
credit-card $250 per day ($31.25 per hour)

I’m a filmmaker and videographer from…

I’m Benneth, a passionate and creative individual, who’s so interested in giving life to your imaginations.

I’ve been opportune to work in various sectors , I am currently the head of the media team of THE WORSHIPPERS FAMILY CHURCH GLOBAL (TWFC). This alone takes a lot of strategic planning, creativity and execution.

Employment and project experience

Videographer/Video Editor TWFC GLOBAL
_June 2023 - till date

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Adobe Premiere Pro
Corporate Video

Experience Level

Video Advert
Adobe Premiere Pro
Corporate Video



Industry Experience

Computers & Electronics, Agriculture & Mining, Media & Entertainment
    uniE613 Annual program publicity
    https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5A-Y_MoMTK/?igsh=MWN3eGNqY2JoMHp6Mw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4s6ErIo4EQ/?igsh=MTBub3lkYXRrZ3ZnMg== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3NuOF8IEKz/?igsh=c2VjNGs1dXR1aDBs
    uniE613 Special Program Publicity
    A publicity video for an annual church program https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5A-Y_MoMTK/?igsh=MWN3eGNqY2JoMHp6Mw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4s6ErIo4EQ/?igsh=MTBub3lkYXRrZ3ZnMg== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3NuOF8IEKz/?igsh=c2VjNGs1dXR1aDBs

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