I am Chikodi Babs-Mensah, a Product (UI/UX) Designer with a mix of experience in Administration and Interior Design. I have a bachelors degree in Economics but I opted for product design because it presents the opportunity for me to craft not just products but also user experiences that spur business growth. I find fulfilment of knowing that the solutions I create can reach a very wide audience. I always ensure that the users are given due consideration throughout the design process. I am proficient in using Figma to crafting intuitive, user-friendly and beautiful user interfaces. I am also skilled in carrying out user research that results in user centric product design. I seek the opportunity to work in companies full time or as a freelancer.


I am Chikodi Babs-Mensah, a Product (UI/UX) Designer with a mix of experience in Administration and Interior Design. I have a bachelors degree in Economics but I opted for product design because it presents the opportunity for me to craft not just products but also user experiences that spur business growth. I find fulfilment of knowing that the solutions I create can reach a very wide audience. I always ensure that the users are given due consideration throughout the design process. I am proficient in using Figma to crafting intuitive, user-friendly and beautiful user interfaces. I am also skilled in carrying out user research that results in user centric product design. I seek the opportunity to work in companies full time or as a freelancer.

Available to hire
credit-card $135 per day ($16.88 per hour)

I am Chikodi Babs-Mensah, a Product (UI/UX) Designer with a mix of experience in Administration and Interior Design. I have a bachelors degree in Economics but I opted for product design because it presents the opportunity for me to craft not just products but also user experiences that spur business growth. I find fulfilment of knowing that the solutions I create can reach a very wide audience. I always ensure that the users are given due consideration throughout the design process.

I am proficient in using Figma to crafting intuitive, user-friendly and beautiful user interfaces. I am also skilled in carrying out user research that results in user centric product design.

I seek the opportunity to work in companies full time or as a freelancer.

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App Design
Email Design
Google Drive
Microsoft Excel
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    uniE608 WeCare Mental Health App
    Wecare is an open source mental health app that helps to connect patients with therapists. And also provides a platform for therapists to volunteer their services to the public,
    uniE621 Citizens Self Assist and Payment Platform
    This web app ensures transparency by enabling citizens to make payments to government coffers without any third party interferrence.

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