Art Director/Book designer/Consultant offering both self-publishing and trade publishing clients visual solutions for book branding, cover design, interior design, packaging, and social media marketing. Clients: Scholastic, Pearson, Penguin Random House, Tangerine Press, Canopy Books, Sourcebooks, Little Genius, Kane Press. Excellent working relationships with global industry talent and licensed properties. Team leader in synchronizing sales, marketing, production, editorial, and design wants and needs to build award-winning products and increase productivity. Committed to producing outstanding covers and interior content that’s engaging and educational for children.


Art Director/Book designer/Consultant offering both self-publishing and trade publishing clients visual solutions for book branding, cover design, interior design, packaging, and social media marketing. Clients: Scholastic, Pearson, Penguin Random House, Tangerine Press, Canopy Books, Sourcebooks, Little Genius, Kane Press. Excellent working relationships with global industry talent and licensed properties. Team leader in synchronizing sales, marketing, production, editorial, and design wants and needs to build award-winning products and increase productivity. Committed to producing outstanding covers and interior content that’s engaging and educational for children.

Available to hire
credit-card $450 per day ($56.25 per hour)

Art Director/Book designer/Consultant offering both self-publishing and trade publishing clients visual solutions for book branding, cover design, interior design, packaging, and social media marketing. Clients: Scholastic, Pearson, Penguin Random House, Tangerine Press, Canopy Books, Sourcebooks, Little Genius, Kane Press.

Excellent working relationships with global industry talent and licensed properties. Team leader in synchronizing sales, marketing, production, editorial, and design wants and needs to build award-winning products and increase productivity. Committed to producing outstanding covers and interior content that’s engaging and educational for children.

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Experience Level

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Book Cover
Microsoft Office
Social Media Design
Childrens Book Illustration
    uniE621 Children's picture book series
    designer branding graphicdesigner logo typedesign webdesigner branding
    uniE621 Children's book design series
    photo graphicdesigner webdesigner illustrator branding logo
    uniE621 Children's book design
    designer branding graphicdesigner logo typedesign illustrator
    uniE621 Children's Book Design
    designer branding graphicdesigner logo typedesign
    uniE621 Children's book design
    branding designer logo illustrator

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