I am a self-taught software developer, characterized by my problem-solving abilities, determination, resilience, and courage. My journey in tech spans across various domains, from frontend to backend development, mastering stacks like React and Node.js. I have honed my skills through practical experiences, building dynamic web and mobile applications. My approach to development is continually driven by a passion for learning and innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of my technical expertise.

I am a self-taught software developer, characterized by my problem-solving abilities, determination, resilience, and courage. My journey in tech spans across various domains, from frontend to backend development, mastering stacks like React and Node.js. I have honed my skills through practical experiences, building dynamic web and mobile applications. My approach to development is continually driven by a passion for learning and innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of my technical expertise.

Available to hire
credit-card £500 per day (£62.5 per hour)

I am a self-taught software developer, characterized by my problem-solving abilities, determination, resilience, and courage. My journey in tech spans across various domains, from frontend to backend development, mastering stacks like React and Node.js. I have honed my skills through practical experiences, building dynamic web and mobile applications. My approach to development is continually driven by a passion for learning and innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of my technical expertise.

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Experience Level

React JS
React Native




Entrepreneurship and Retail Management at University of Applied Science
September 1, 2018 - June 1, 2022
Bachelor's in Entrepreneurship & Retail Management: Focused on business fundamentals including planning, marketing, operations, and leadership. Self-Taught Developer Skills: Parallel to college studies, independently learned web development, enhancing my tech proficiency. Project Experience: Applied entrepreneurial learning to tech projects, blending business strategy with digital solutions.


The MERN Fullstack Guide
May 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023
Core technology refreshers (React, Node, Express, MongoDB) with applied project sections Deployment strategies for different hosting services Real-world application building, combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills
React Native - The Practical Guide
February 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022
React, JavaScript, and native component usage in app development Connecting React Native apps to backend servers.
React - The Complete Guide
June 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021
Dynamic data binding with components and props. Handling lists, conditional content, and React Hooks, including custom Hooks. Implementing Redux, React Router, and Next.js.
Node - The Complete Guide
July 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020
Basics of Node.js and core modules. Utilizing Express.js for web applications. Building and authenticating REST and GraphQL APIs. Integrating SQL (MySQL) with Sequelize and NoSQL (MongoDB) with Mongoose.
JavaScript - The Complete Guide
August 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019
Fundamental elements like variables, functions, objects, and arrays. Object-oriented programming and prototype handling. Web page manipulation (DOM) and event handling techniques. Asynchronous coding, HTTP requests, and meta-programming.

Industry Experience

Software & Internet
    uniE621 SwingSelect - E-Commerce Golf Web Application
    I am thrilled to present SwingSelect, an intuitive and sophisticated e-commerce golf web application that I had the opportunity to bring to life from concept to deployment. This project was an exciting journey, encapsulating everything from UI/UX design in Figma to full-stack development using the MERNG stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, and GraphQL). SwingSelect is not just a platform; it's an experience for golf enthusiasts who demand a seamless, responsive, and engaging online shopping journey on both mobile and desktop devices. #webdevelopment #javascript #react #developer #frontend #backend #express #node
    uniE621 FurniFuture - E-Commerce Furniture Web Application
    Welcome to the project showcase for FurniFuture, a bespoke e-commerce solution designed and developed for a modern furniture marketplace. This application has been meticulously brought to life through my experience with design and development, leveraging the powerful MERNG stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, and GraphQL), enhanced with Mongoose for sophisticated data modeling. FurniFuture is a responsive web platform that offers a seamless shopping experience for furniture enthusiasts on both desktop and mobile devices. #developer #frontend #backend #javascript #react #express #node