Highly Experienced Backend Web Developer with 10+ years of diversified experience across a variety of platforms. Possess extensive experience in developing solutions with PHP Raw and with frameworks such as CakePHP, SlimPHP, Symphony4, and Laravel. Experience also includes the development of forms for API REST with ReactJS, endpoints for API REST with NodeJS and MongoDB, and performing automated tests with Cypress and Javascript. Full-Stack Web Developer; Independent Contractor, San Antonio, TX Nov 2021 - Feb 2023 Analyze, develop, and test API endpoints and implement front-end forms for data management. • Design and performed 5+ automated tests of information technology solutions for faster deployment to production. Web Developer; GlobalHitss, Argentina Nov 2018 - Jul 2021 Analyzed technical requirements to ensure the overall quality of the software. • Developed 20+ API endpoints for product modules and filter modules. • Analyzed 10K lines of the code base and conducted unit testing of the code. Web Developer; Online Payment Solutions, Argentina Jul 2018 – Nov 2018 Analyzed functional and technical requirements for 5 users. • Developed web app backend and frontend for monitoring logs of processes and transactions for 50 ATM machines. • Designed and conducted manual functional, regression, non-functional tests, and automating Quality Assurance. Senior Architect; Occidental Bank of Discount, Venezuela Jun 2013 - Feb 2017 Provided expert support to the GlobalFS teller system, ensuring seamless functionality, and expedited resolution of complex issues. • Managed the creation and administration of user profiles, ensuring accurate access to sensitive data and maintaining a secure information environment.

Highly Experienced Backend Web Developer with 10+ years of diversified experience across a variety of platforms. Possess extensive experience in developing solutions with PHP Raw and with frameworks such as CakePHP, SlimPHP, Symphony4, and Laravel. Experience also includes the development of forms for API REST with ReactJS, endpoints for API REST with NodeJS and MongoDB, and performing automated tests with Cypress and Javascript. Full-Stack Web Developer; Independent Contractor, San Antonio, TX Nov 2021 - Feb 2023 Analyze, develop, and test API endpoints and implement front-end forms for data management. • Design and performed 5+ automated tests of information technology solutions for faster deployment to production. Web Developer; GlobalHitss, Argentina Nov 2018 - Jul 2021 Analyzed technical requirements to ensure the overall quality of the software. • Developed 20+ API endpoints for product modules and filter modules. • Analyzed 10K lines of the code base and conducted unit testing of the code. Web Developer; Online Payment Solutions, Argentina Jul 2018 – Nov 2018 Analyzed functional and technical requirements for 5 users. • Developed web app backend and frontend for monitoring logs of processes and transactions for 50 ATM machines. • Designed and conducted manual functional, regression, non-functional tests, and automating Quality Assurance. Senior Architect; Occidental Bank of Discount, Venezuela Jun 2013 - Feb 2017 Provided expert support to the GlobalFS teller system, ensuring seamless functionality, and expedited resolution of complex issues. • Managed the creation and administration of user profiles, ensuring accurate access to sensitive data and maintaining a secure information environment.

Available to hire
credit-card $300 per day ($37.5 per hour)

Highly Experienced Backend Web Developer with 10+ years of diversified experience across a variety of platforms. Possess extensive experience in developing solutions with PHP Raw and with frameworks such as CakePHP, SlimPHP, Symphony4, and Laravel. Experience also includes the development of forms for API REST with ReactJS, endpoints for API REST with NodeJS and MongoDB, and performing automated tests with Cypress and Javascript.

Full-Stack Web Developer; Independent Contractor, San Antonio, TX Nov 2021 - Feb 2023
Analyze, develop, and test API endpoints and implement front-end forms for data management.
• Design and performed 5+ automated tests of information technology solutions for faster deployment to production.

Web Developer; GlobalHitss, Argentina Nov 2018 - Jul 2021
Analyzed technical requirements to ensure the overall quality of the software.
• Developed 20+ API endpoints for product modules and filter modules.

• Analyzed 10K lines of the code base and conducted unit testing of the code.

Web Developer; Online Payment Solutions, Argentina Jul 2018 – Nov 2018
Analyzed functional and technical requirements for 5 users.
• Developed web app backend and frontend for monitoring logs of processes and transactions for 50 ATM machines.
• Designed and conducted manual functional, regression, non-functional tests, and automating Quality Assurance.

Senior Architect; Occidental Bank of Discount, Venezuela Jun 2013 - Feb 2017
Provided expert support to the GlobalFS teller system, ensuring seamless functionality, and expedited resolution of complex issues.
• Managed the creation and administration of user profiles, ensuring accurate access to sensitive data and maintaining a secure information environment.

See more

Experience Level

Freelance Gig
React JS


Spanish; Castilian


Bachelor Of Science at University of Zulia
February 21, 2000 - February 21, 2012


Certificate in E-Business Application Development
March 21, 2000
Google Cybersecurity Specialization
November 21, 2023
Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification
August 21, 2023
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers
May 21, 2023

Industry Experience

Financial Services, Computers & Electronics, Software & Internet
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