Collaborate>Job Details

Studio Manager

Studio Manager
💰 Negotiable
🌎 Remote
Ndk Junior
Based in Accra, Ghana
Last online 4 years ago

Say who you are and what you do.
I’m a…Ndk Junior based in…Ghana in West Africa

Do you have a job specification or creative brief?
The details of what I need are…Studio management

Is the job location specific?
We need a freelancer in…Online

Do you need any other services?
I also need a…

Are you looking to pay or is this a collaboration?
No payment, only collaboration

Do you need to hire for a specific city, country or place?
No, we can work online

When do you want to have the freelancer secured by?
3 months

What is most important for this job?

How many freelancers do you want to contact you?

Do you have a job specification or creative brief?
Yes (please enter this in the description)

Does the freelancer need insurance?

Where did you find Twine?

Client contact preference:
- Email
- WhatsApp
- Phone

Twine Pro members will get direct contact details of this client after applying. Upgrade now.
Posted 4 years ago

No longer accepting applications

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    Secure Payment Process

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